Un centru de tineret din Austria cauta parteneri pentru un proiect de
schimburi de tineri (Actiunea 1.1) ce va fi depus la termenul limita 1
Detalii in mesajul de mai jos.
Adresa de contact: servas@gmx.at
a youthcenter in Austria intends to make a youthexchange (action 1.1),
that should submitted with 01.10.2013; and they are still looking for a
partner. So, who is interested in it, please get in contact with them
directly at servas@gmx.at
Here more info about all:
Less able - more able... Able to do WHAT?
Film making Workshop on how "less" able people live their lives and the
role of society
Where: Vocklabruck, Upper Austria
When: Feb. 17th - 22th, 2014
Target Group: Youths from the youth centre Vocklabruck and youths from
another European youth group, aged 15 - 19 years.
Important: All participants should speak either English or German
Outcome: The outcome of the workshop should be one or more short films
dealing with how "less" able people live their lives with and despite
their special conditions and how society supports them resp. where the
system is lacking facilities / ideas / commitment.
- Warm up-activities, getting to know each other and the city Vocklabruck
- Visit to the "Blind Cafe" in Salzburg
- Visit to a home and workshop for less able people in / near Vocklabruck
- Discussion on the role of society in how less able people want and
deserve to live their lives
- Filmmaking-Workshop with a professional filmmaker
- Movie "Du und ich" (=You and I) http://www.duundich-derfilm.at/
- Discussion with Hiltraud and Franz, the main characters of the movie
(and of their very real every day life ...)
Jugendhaus Servas [servas@gmx.at]
Detalii in mesajul de mai jos.
Adresa de contact: servas@gmx.at
a youthcenter in Austria intends to make a youthexchange (action 1.1),
that should submitted with 01.10.2013; and they are still looking for a
partner. So, who is interested in it, please get in contact with them
directly at servas@gmx.at
Here more info about all:
Less able - more able... Able to do WHAT?
Film making Workshop on how "less" able people live their lives and the
role of society
Where: Vocklabruck, Upper Austria
When: Feb. 17th - 22th, 2014
Target Group: Youths from the youth centre Vocklabruck and youths from
another European youth group, aged 15 - 19 years.
Important: All participants should speak either English or German
Outcome: The outcome of the workshop should be one or more short films
dealing with how "less" able people live their lives with and despite
their special conditions and how society supports them resp. where the
system is lacking facilities / ideas / commitment.
- Warm up-activities, getting to know each other and the city Vocklabruck
- Visit to the "Blind Cafe" in Salzburg
- Visit to a home and workshop for less able people in / near Vocklabruck
- Discussion on the role of society in how less able people want and
deserve to live their lives
- Filmmaking-Workshop with a professional filmmaker
- Movie "Du und ich" (=You and I) http://www.duundich-derfilm.at/
- Discussion with Hiltraud and Franz, the main characters of the movie
(and of their very real every day life ...)
Jugendhaus Servas [servas@gmx.at]