
miercuri, 28 august 2013

Stagii de voluntariat in Sliven, Bulgaria

O organizatie acreditata SEV din Bulgaria selecteaza voluntari pentru un
proiect SEV ce se deruleaza in Sliven.

Mai multe informatii gasiti in mesajul de mai jos.

Organizatiile acreditate SEV care au voluntari interesati sunt rugate sa
trimita CV si scrisoare de motivatie la adresa de e-mail:
Dear EVS sending organisations,

We have 2 free EVS places at Youth House Sliven. The volunteers who had to
arrive here did not receive VISA and we are urgently seeking for 2
volunteers who will work with 2 more volunteers from Italy, who have
already arrived for the project. You will work together here in Sliven in
2 local orphanage houses with young people who have mental and physical

The project has already been started, but this should not bother you. The
project will end on the 30th of May, 2014. You are welcome as soon as
possible. Please use this wonderful opportunity. The city of Sliven is
situated under the unique Blue Rocks Park of Mountain Stara Planina.
Moreover, we are situated at only 100 km apart from the Black sea.

If you come to Sliven, you will have the opportunioty to get in touch and
communicate with many other volunteers and spend marvellous time together.

Eurodesk Co-ordinator at Youth Hiouse Sliven - Anelia Ivanova.

You can write to me at

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