
luni, 16 septembrie 2013

Stagiu de voluntariat (12 luni) in Letonia [DL:23.09]

O organizatie acreditata SEV din Letonia cauta doi voluntari pentru
proiectul SEV "From Latvian rural area to European province!", ce va fi
depus la termenul limita 1 octombrie.

Mai multe informatii despre proiect gasiti in mesajul de mai jos.

Organizatiile acreditate SEV care au voluntari interesati sunt rugate sa
trimita CV (cu foto) si scrisoare de motivatie la adresa de e-mail: (Edgars Jancuks)

Some information:
"From Latvian rural area to European province!" is group EVS
project for 2 volunteers from different countries. We are oppening for ALL
partners countries.

Venue: Vircava, small ton in middle of Latvia. Vircava is the historical
place, was one of the Duke of Courland Gotthard Kettler favorite places.
Vircavas civil parish has 1700 inhabitants, it is rural area, 15 km away
from closest city Jelgava, there are several daily buses between Vircava
and Jelgava. Vircava is only 59 km away from capital city Riga.

Duration: full time EVS (12 month), starting from february/march 2014

Activities: This will be first EVS project in Vircava, so that why project
volunteers can feel like Cristopher Columbus. This project will give new
experience not only for volunteers, but general for everyone who takes
part in project, youth, children and all Vircava citizens. Volunteers
helping in children and youth center activities, which goals are to inform
youth about their possibilities, providing leisure time activities, mostly
based on outdoor activities (daily activities with children and some
thematical evening with local young people). One of general activities are
language course for Vircava citizens. We have great cooperation with
Vircava culture center, municipality, sport center and high school. That
means that we cooperate together and make different sport, education and
culture activities. Volunteer's work is not going to be strict
time-limited. There will be a lot of space for self-initiative in the
project. We would like to make special-creative work, half of volunteer`s
initiative and youth worker ideas and half from youth ideas. Some
activities will take place in the afternoon or during the weekend, some of
them can be in morning and day time. Volunteers will be also assisting in
daily work of the organization.

More info: 2012-LV-32

Deadline for applications: 23 th Septembr 2013

Send CV (with picture) and motivation letter to (Edgars Jancuks) 

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