
duminică, 25 august 2013

EVS: Stagiu de voluntariat in Bulgaria (8 luni)

O organizatie acreditata SEV din Bulgaria selecteaza voluntari pentru un
proiect SEV de 8 luni in Bulgaria.

Detalii in mesajul de mai jos.
Pentru alte informatii, adresa de contact este:
"Friendship in box"

Dates and volunteers needed:
5th September 2013- 3rd May 2014 - 8 months, 2 EVS volunteers from EU
countries only without visa

contact person: Mariya Slavova, e-mail:

The project will give the involved volunteers opportunities to work
together with our partner organizations as Daily care center for disabled
children, Daily care center for elderly people number 3 in Kazanlak,
Bulgaria. The initiatives will be focused on tolerance and differences
between the generations and the changes of the way in which disabled
people are perceived, and to make the image of these institutions more

The aim of the different activities with partners is to work together for
children and older people through creating friendships.
The volunteers will know more for disabled children who live with their
own families and the problems which they have, and the older people which
don't live with their families.
We will include the youth initiatives of the European Union to support
more initiatives for disabled children and lonely old people through
popularization of the activities with this kind of persons.
We will organize meetings with different experts in fields which the
volunteers like and will make popular the project in the way which they
We will help the volunteers to develop their creative skills to collect
and synthesize information by publishing a newsletter about the project.
The idea for the bulletin (newspaper) will be elaborated and carried out
by the volunteers. That will give them possibility to create the design of
the product which will show their responsibility for their own future. The
volunteers will play the role of photographers, screenwriters, writers,
artists, editors, and so on.
We will include in the project activities like making green space in the
city and putting there information boards about EVS.

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